Tag Archives: woods

What Do You Do With a Sunday?

This gallery contains 5 photos.

When you live in our neck of the woods, preparing for winter is important as winters are long and can be quite harsh. Our family has already been making preparations. Our wood is now cut and stacked and our chimney … Continue reading

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A Family that Plays Together Stays Together

Our family likes each other! In fact, we have had family gatherings or events almost every month this year! It’s pretty amazing and so much fun. When everyone visits our Northwoods home, we can expect to have both outdoor and … Continue reading

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Winter? REALLY?

I cannot lie: Winter is my favorite season! REALLY, you say? Let me explain… We live in a tourist area where many flock for a bit of rest and relaxation. About 60% of homes in our area are 2nd homes. … Continue reading

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Greetings, Followers!

And thus begins another blog into the vast blog universe… If you have ended up here, I thank you. My intent is to document bits and pieces about myself and the life my husband and I lead in Wisconsin’s pristine … Continue reading

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